Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations
Veterinary Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Each miscarriage in sheep herds should be a brucellosis alarm signal although other diseases such as Q fever can cause similar symptoms. This is why it is necessary to perform laboratory tests and get the right diagnosis.

Reliable diagnosis can only be reached through laboratory tests (blood work). In Bosnia and Herzegovina, diagnostic methods are proscribed by the law, more specifically quick agglutination (rose bengal) is used as the orientation method and RVK is the confirmation method. In case of miscarriage, blood samples should be sent immediately after the miscarriage and 2 to 3 weeks afterwards in order to avoid possible false negative results. Serologically positive reactors are considered to be ill animals and they should be treated in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations
Veterinary Office of
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Maršala Tita 9a/II
71000 Sarajevo
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